Education Elections fuck you friday Moms for Liberty

Liz Davids is gaslighting teachers with free ice cream

Liz Davids is trying really hard to make you believe she doesn’t actually hate teachers, kids, and public schools

Education Elections Moms for Liberty

Meet some of the Moms for Liberty endorsed candidates on your ballot

One of them, Stacy Matula, will be at the Culxr House tonight for a candidate event

Education Elections Fascism Moms for Liberty NEGOP State Board of Education

State Board of Education Candidate Liz Davids is Trying to Fool You

You would never guess Liz Davids is a far right extremist backed by all the local hate groups by looking at her website

Civic Engagement Fascism Moms for Liberty NEGOP

Shoutout to DJs Dugout

Thanks for sending Moms for Liberty packing!

Fascism Moms for Liberty Nebraska Politics

Douglas County Moms for Liberty is holding a candidate meet and greet at DJs Dugout in Omaha tonight

Let’s meet the white nationalists running for office

Christian Bullshit Fascism LGBTQA+ Moms for Liberty TPUSA

#TerribleTuesday: The Christian Nationalists are back on their bullsh*t

Once again local extremists are using prayer as a weapon against Nebraska’s kids

Christian Bullshit Civic Engagement Creeping Fascism Education fuck you friday LPS Moms for Liberty Nebraska Politics State Board of Education

#FuckYouFriday: local hate group Protect Nebraska Children will be spouting their nonsense at the State Board of Ed meeting next Friday

Let’s show up to support the normal people on the State Board of Education

antisemitism Creeping Fascism Moms for Liberty NEGOP

#FuckYouFriday: Moms for Liberty Edition

Moms for Liberty has gone mask off with their white supremacy – here are the local M4L members
