Christian Bullshit Fascism LGBTQA+ Moms for Liberty TPUSA

#TerribleTuesday: The Christian Nationalists are back on their bullsh*t

Once again local extremists are using prayer as a weapon against Nebraska’s kids

Catholic Bullshit Fascism Fuck Pete Ricketts misogyny

The latest abortion restriction initiative is brought to you by the usual Nebraska hate group

Plus, John Kuehn’s mom!

Bills Education Fascism Legislature Nebraska Politics NEGOP

Actions speak louder than words: a lesson in obscenity

Last night, the Nebraska legislature debated a controversial bill, LB441, which would criminalize school librarians for having items in the library that anyone might deem obscene, despite a clear legal definition of that word, and despite the fact that schools are already held to obscenity laws. This important legal discussion was interrupted by an inappropriate […]

Civic Engagement Creeping Fascism fuck you friday Legislature Lying Liar Nebraska Politics NEGOP

Fuck You Friday Pt Deux

Welcome back to Fuck You Friday – here is Pt Deux sent in by a reader. I would also add: Senator Linehan, who, during her opening remarks at the Appropriations Committee hearing on her proposed LB1402, again insulted 117,000 Nebraska voters as “silly” for signing the petition to place LB753 on the ballot so voters can […]

BreakingTheLaw defund the police misogyny OPD The Patriarchy

OPOA President Tony Conner Is Due in Court This Morning

Tony Conner has been ordered to court at 10:00am today because he is $10K behind in child support and alimony payments

Legislature Nebraska Politics

Misogyny is not a game

On the same day as the Lie to Women bill LB 209 was passed to its final reading, we once more got to enjoy another open display of in how much, or rather little, regard some of our male senators hold women in general and their female colleagues in particular. It is not enough to […]
