Land Back Mayor Leirion Niskíthe Prayer Camp

Niskíthe Community’s Fight to Protect their Sacred Land Continues

Nov. 18, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Niskíthe Community Raises Tipi Outside Courthouse Ahead of Hearing  Members of the Niskíthe Prayer Camp, the Indian Center, and Kathleen Danker head to Lancaster County District court today, Friday, Nov. 18th at 2:30pm to ask a judge to dismiss the City’s lawsuit against them. The city’s lawsuit seeks to bar […]

Creeping Fascism Elections Fuck Pete Ricketts

Who is Buying Nebraska’s Elections?

Election spending in Nebraska initially made waves during the primaries, when Pete Ricketts decided he really didn’t want bull-spunk connoisseur Charles Herbster as the next governor (and I can’t blame him), and spent an eye-watering $1.375 million to get Pillen the nomination.  He didn’t send that money to Jim himself though – only $100,000 was […]

Fascism LPD Lying Liar misogyny Nebraska Politics NEGOP SRN Boos the News The Patriarchy

KLIN Broadcasts Scurrilous Rape Accusation to Benefit Republican Incumbent Pat Condon

This is a breaking story. We will update it as new details emerge. On Nov. 2, operatives with the new and improved Nebraska Republican Party posted something that might seem alarming. Adam Morfeld, Democratic candidate for Lancaster County Attorney, has supposedly been accused of a sex crime and LPD is sitting on it to protect […]
