Environment fuck you friday

Fuck You Friday: Woods Tennis edition

Friends of Woods Tennis makes a nice bottle of whine out of their sour grapes

Education Elections Fascism Moms for Liberty NEGOP State Board of Education

State Board of Education Candidate Liz Davids is Trying to Fool You

You would never guess Liz Davids is a far right extremist backed by all the local hate groups by looking at her website

Civic Engagement Fascism Moms for Liberty NEGOP

Shoutout to DJs Dugout

Thanks for sending Moms for Liberty packing!

Fascism Moms for Liberty Nebraska Politics

Douglas County Moms for Liberty is holding a candidate meet and greet at DJs Dugout in Omaha tonight

Let’s meet the white nationalists running for office

Civic Engagement Elections Legalize It Nebraska Politics

Nebraska Has a Golden *Grass*roots Opportunity

Want to help throw some votes at a pro-labor, pro-legalization candidate who can actually beat Deb Fischer? Here’s how a quick and easy registration change to nonpartisan before the primaries will let you make a difference in the only primary that matters in Nebraska in 2024.

Christian Bullshit Fascism LGBTQA+ Moms for Liberty TPUSA

#TerribleTuesday: The Christian Nationalists are back on their bullsh*t

Once again local extremists are using prayer as a weapon against Nebraska’s kids
