The Pod

E49- Pod gets vaccinated and says “Thanks Biden” while keeping middle finger pointed at Pete

Despite the governor’s best efforts to stop the federal vaccine goals of a shot in every arm as fast as possible, all the pod ladies have gotten their first dose (And April is actually done!) Using the power of the federal vaccine program that eliminates barriers, everyone is now able to schedule their shot. Note […]

The Pod

E48- Give us More Journalists and Melt the Guns!

E48-  Give us More Journalists and Melt the Guns!  In an era of corporate corruption, blurred lines between policy makers and industry, and a drought of dollars to pay reporters, it’s never been more important to protect student journalists and their right to an education. With their teachers, they must follow the truth, have integrity, […]

#fuckPeteRicketts daily pressers Lying Liar Solidarity with Packing Plant Workers

Pete’s Meat: Ricketts’s National Embarrassment of the Week

There are a number of vegans and vegetarians here at Seeing Red, as well as a bunch of us who also love meat.  But not the idea of meat eating and the meat industry pushed by Pete Ricketts, which is just embarrassing.   It’s embarrassing because he packs so many lies about meat eating into […]

The Pod

E47- We hate Peter Ricketts & Here’s One More Reason

E47-  We hate Peter Ricketts & Here’s One More Reason April and Melody talk about the wonderful world of vaccines and one more reason to despise the governor.  Buy great books recommended by SeeingRed and the Pod Guests:  Social Media links:  Tweet@seeingredNE FB@seeingrednebraska Instagram @seeingrednebraska

misogyny racism The Patriarchy

This Nebraska Sheriff Cared More about His Territory than Solving a Violent Crime

Dawes County Sheriff Karl Dailey, who has occupied that post for 35 years, has built himself a fiefdom that he considered more important that the apprehension of a sadistic rapist.

The Pod

E46- Meet Peyton Zyla aka Mr Zeyela

Peyton Zyla, known as Mr Zeyela on social media, was born and raised in Omaha. Last summer he became a founding organizer with ProBLAC, launched as an independent journalist, and is now  political organizer. Most recently,  he was named as one of the people surveilled by the Omaha Police Department in response to the Black […]
