#fuckPeteRicketts COVID-19

Ricketts Hates State Workers

Have you ever wondered why someone who hates “big government” decides they would like to run it? They have absolutely no incentive to make government work for the average person, and in fact, they purposely defund and create red tape in order to create inefficiencies and burdens so that they can prove to their constituents […]

#fuckPeteRicketts actual science COVID-19

What You Need to Know about TestNebraska

You have probably heard about Test Nebraska, a new web site collecting personal health information in response to the coronavirus epidemic. A lot of disconcerting information is coming out about this web site and the companies behind it. Here are some facts you need to know. The Ricketts administration signed a $27 million no-bid contract […]

actual science COVID-19 Nebraska Politics

We are meat.

This week about 50 workers at the Smithfield pork plant in Crete left their places on the lines and walked out in protest after it was announced that the plant, which had previously announced it would close to protect the health of its workers, would stay open after all, with no real concessions made to […]

#fuckPeteRicketts COVID-19 Immigration Medicaid Nebraska Politics

The Ricketts Strategy: Why make the rich prevent death now when you can just bleed the public for it later?

As the corona virus is spreading exponentially through Nebraska, one hot spot popping up after another, the rest of America is wondering why our governor is lifting our light social distancing restrictions instead of strengthening them. The answer is that he does not want his loyal corporate class to feel any pain when he can […]

#fuckPeteRicketts actual science COVID-19 Draft Immigration racism

Peter’s Plague: A Story on Racist Scapegoating

We, here at Seeing Red are committed to continuing to watch Ricketts’ daily racially coded press conference so that you don’t have to. You’re welcome. It is absolutely detrimental to every viewer’s mental health, but we will gladly shoulder that burden so you don’t have to. Today he made it 32 full minutes before turning […]

#fuckPeteRicketts actual science COVID-19 Immigration racism

Gov. Ricketts Scapegoats Immigrant Workers for Viral Spread

Since Nebraska started seeing spikes in COVID-19 cases in rural communities, the governor has been shamelessly scapegoating our immigrant population, from blaming the outbreaks on a Quinceañera that occurred the same night as his friend Julie Slama’s state basketball party, to his latest suggestion at his press conferences that those who do not have English […]

#fuckPeteRicketts COVID-19 Nebraska Politics

Nebraska’s Director Of Public Health? Another Ricketts Donor.

In August 2019 Governor Pete Ricketts appointed Dr. Gary Anthone Chief Medical Officer and Director Of Public Health for the state of Nebraska. Prior to that, Dr. Anthone was a bariatric surgeon in private practice in Omaha. It should surprise no one to learn that Anthone shows up in public disclosure forms as having donated […]

#fuckPeteRicketts actual science COVID-19 Nebraska Politics

Ricketts and NE Crossing Owner Contradict Each Other on Governor’s Approval

People are dying and Pete Ricketts is lying. As Nebraska Crossing prepares to become a “test case” in the re-opening of malls across the country, Nebraska reported one of its highest daily increases in the number of positive COVID-19 cases yet. Infectious disease specialists across the country and within our own communities are stressing that […]

#fuckPeteRicketts COVID-19 Nebraska Politics

Beware of a Virus and a GOP Parasite at Nebraska Crossing

Nebraska Crossing Outlets made national headlines this week for deciding to reopen for shopping despite the fact that our state is only beginning to see the devastation of the corona virus. As will surprise approximately no one, the man behind Nebraska Crossing is a poster child for GOP policy. The owner, Rodney Yates, has donated […]

Civic Engagement COVID-19 Medicaid The Patriarchy

Killing Nebraskans for a Profit

In his daily briefing last Friday, Ricketts joined Scott Frakes in assuring the public that our overcrowded prisons are, despite the recent positive coronavirus test of a corrections employee at NSP, safe spaces for the incarcerated members of our community.  According to Frakes, the inmates receive health care that is “better than what many Nebraskans […]
