Nebraska Politics

Blue Wave in Nebraska – Except in North Platte

The deadline has come and gone. If you haven’t signed up to be a candidate, you’ve missed your chance unless you are personal friends with Governor Ricketts and he needs to fill a vacancy. Looking over the list of candidates for 2018, it’s incredible. People are stepping up all over the state and saying “Oh […]

Nebraska Politics

The Death Penalty: Or the questionable state of our state government

In January 2018, at the annual Walk for Life event, Governor Pete Ricketts announced that Nebraska is a pro-life state. According to the Lincoln Journal Star, at this same event, Ricketts stated, “Our budget should reflect our values.” Our budget apparently reflects the values of illegally purchasing chemicals for use in lethal injection. On March […]

Nebraska Politics

The Future of Higher Education in Nebraska

Yesterday, we had a lot of people — from all across the state — turning out for “NU Advocacy Day.”  Some of them had never been to the State Capitol (or not since their sixth-grade field trip), and the group included students, faculty, and citizens all running around meeting with senators and talking about the […]

Nebraska Politics Published

An Empire of Misery, Headquartered in Grand Island

The National Rifle Association’s Board of Directors includes one Nebraskan, Steve Hornady of Grand Island. Hornady owns Hornady Manufacturing, which manufactures ammunition. The company is financially very successful, so they enjoy awards and recognition in the state and national business community. Such recognition aggrandizes and normalizes them, and does not critically examine where this wealth […]

Nebraska Politics

When dissent is criminal – NE LB 1129

There are many elements of fascism that have slowly arisen in the U.S. since 9/11: ultra-nationalism, authoritarian ideology, toxic masculinity, gun/war worship, and the squashing any dissent.  In this sense, Trump isn’t new, and booting Trump out of office won’t actually solve much.  Take Nebraska as an example.  Pete Ricketts has all the hallmarks of […]

Nebraska Politics Published

How the NRA Operates in the Nebraska Unicam

In the aftermath of another horrific and preventable school shooting, more people want to know how we came to live in a country that values the profits of the gun industry over the lives of children. The short answer to that question is that gun manufacturers and their lobbying arm, the National Rifle Association, have […]

Nebraska Politics

Show Me the Money- How to Look Up Campaign Donors

Perhaps you’ve been following the parade of damaging bills in the state legislature this year and wondering where this assault on democracy is coming from. Maybe you want to know who funded the local school board, your mayor, or the university regents elections. You may have real concerns over where their allegiance may lie, or […]

Nebraska Politics

Urgent – Be a Candidate!

ALERT ALERT ALERT In the Trump and Ricketts era, we must win offices in 2018. We must remove the party in power that runs unopposed nazis and men banned from malls after harassing teenage girls, and who elected the pussy grabber in chief. The deadline is approaching and there are still many incumbents running unopposed. […]

Nebraska Politics

School Privatization and Doublespeak (Part 1)

There is a battle being waged in Nebraska for our schools. Alt-right ideologues and billionaires have joined forces to take down public education, both K-12 and our public Universities. In part one of our school choice series, we will describe the national landscape that has lead to the popularity of defunding public schools.   The […]

Civic Engagement Nebraska Politics

How to Testify at the Legislature

Civics Class Time! We hope all of you plan to testify this legislative session and in future sessions. You may want to support an incredible piece of policy, or you may want to say “Oh hell no, not in my state!” about a specific bill. Some people will testify on behalf of an organization and others […]
