#fuckPeteRicketts Nebraska Politics NEGOP The Patriarchy

Nebraska Nice is the Perfect Cover for a Fascist Takeover

If you are not familiar with the 14 Characteristics of Fascism, I’m going to need you to stop right here and read them first. Ok, got that? Don’t worry, we’re going to look at a few of them a little more closely because the NEGOP has a deep fascism problem that everyone, including the Nebraska […]

Legislature Nebraska Politics

Nebraska’s anti-gay past is still so present that it’s even running for mayor

Patty Pansing Brooks’s bill to make it illegal to discriminate against sexual orientation or gender identity in employment decisions died this week in the Unicameral. (It could be brought back next year if Pansing Brooks finds 33 votes for it). The setback of the anti-discrimination bill was a loss for Nebraska’s residents–not just the ones […]

Nebraska Politics

The Western Nebraska Senator Ignoring the First Amendment and Shilling for Big Oil

  Man, we wish Tom Brewer were the leader many voters had hoped. He’s the only Native American senator in the legislature. He knows the horror of violence, having been shot multiple times in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, instead of working to decrease gun violence or address inequality in the state, he is taking oil industry money, […]

Nebraska Politics

What Is Going on with the Execution in Nebraska?

In four days, Nebraska is scheduled to execute Carey Moore by lethal injection. Moore murdered two taxi drivers in Omaha in 1979. He is not fighting his own execution, saying he believes he will be forgiven by Christ upon his death. Because he is not fighting it, the main legal avenue that typically delays or […]

Nebraska Politics Published

How the NRA Operates in the Nebraska Unicam

In the aftermath of another horrific and preventable school shooting, more people want to know how we came to live in a country that values the profits of the gun industry over the lives of children. The short answer to that question is that gun manufacturers and their lobbying arm, the National Rifle Association, have […]

Creeping Fascism Fuck Pete Ricketts NEGOP

Meet Tiffany Carter, a book banner in Library Commissioner’s clothing

Tiffany Carter has been a member of the Facebook group for local hate group Protect Nebraska Children since March of 2022

Education Elections fuck you friday Moms for Liberty

Liz Davids is gaslighting teachers with free ice cream

Liz Davids is trying really hard to make you believe she doesn’t actually hate teachers, kids, and public schools

Education Elections Moms for Liberty

Meet some of the Moms for Liberty endorsed candidates on your ballot

One of them, Stacy Matula, will be at the Culxr House tonight for a candidate event

Education Elections Fascism Moms for Liberty NEGOP State Board of Education

State Board of Education Candidate Liz Davids is Trying to Fool You

You would never guess Liz Davids is a far right extremist backed by all the local hate groups by looking at her website

Fascism Moms for Liberty Nebraska Politics

Douglas County Moms for Liberty is holding a candidate meet and greet at DJs Dugout in Omaha tonight

Let’s meet the white nationalists running for office
