Creeping Fascism Education LGBTQA+

Call to Action: Stop the Real “Mind Polluters”

It should come as no surprise to regular readers, or hell, anyone who hasn’t had their head stuck in the sand for the last two years that a bunch of really terrible people are trying to take over our public schools. We have reported on the extremist, Kirk Penner, that was recently appointed to the Nebraska Board of Education, and we have reported on the hate group behind Protect Nebraska Children.

But today we have a call to action. These same people are now bringing their new “film” (read: batshit propaganda) to Nebraska on what they are calling a movie tour.

Here is the most up-to-date list of the locations screening this trash. It would sure be a shame if our readers managed to get them canceled, or if that’s not successful, showed up in clown costumes and sent us video.

This movie, Mind Polluters, is incredibly upsetting. While we have not watched it in full, the trailer is enough for us to tell you that no reasonable human should be subjected to it. It’s anti-trans, anti-gay, anti-sex positivity, and against telling children the truth about parts of their bodies and how they work.

The film is hosted by Nebraskans for Founders Values, which appears to be some kind of Christo-fascist hate group, and they will maintain their schedule here. You will, of course, be unsurprised to know that all the usual suspects run their workshops from terrible senators like Erdman and Halloran to infamous homophobe Cyndi Lamm.

So do your thing, Nebraska. Start raising some hell and shut this shit down before it really starts to poison our kids.
