Creep of Fascism Education LGBTQA+

Keep it up – Clearing the Pollution One Site at a Time

We asked and you responded and the hate group’s feelings are super hurt. And we couldn’t be more thrilled. Last weekend, we asked you to start making some phone calls and emails to shut down the bigoted, anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-human garbage that is The Mind Polluters.

So far, we have crossed a few off of the list and more are disappearing from the NFFV website.

If you need a refresher on who Nebraskans For Founders Values [sic] are, you may remember their booth from the York County Fair**, highlighting their favorite founder, Adolf Hitler.

But perhaps the most fun we are having is when our readers email us ( with all the Hurt Feelings Reports being filed all over the internet about the “hate group” (that’s us haha) that is “well versed in CRT” and shutting these down. Keep them coming.

We have purposely left in all names to incriminate the guilty. Nebraskans, know who your neighbors are.

That said, while we are cackling over our cauldrons about The Big Sad, some more concerning comments have also been made. These people are angry, clearly unwell, and armed to the teeth and are now volunteering to provide “security” for anyone in attendance.

Seeing Red has confirmed with more than one venue that ZERO threats have been made in an attempt to get them to cancel, but clearly, there are threats being made to ensure this brainwashing can be allowed to continue.

Yes, Justin, Sue, Carrie, expose us and present the evidence. We aren’t hiding. While we have talked to some of the really terrible churches, who are doubling down on their ridiculous “biblical morality,” it’s encouraging to see so many more of these. Keep them coming, readers!

Here are a couple coming up in Lincoln we just learned about today.

“Won’t somebody please think of the children?” – Helen Lovejoy

**a previous version of this article incorrectly stated that photo was taken at the Nebraska State Fair
