#fuckPeteRicketts COVID-19 Immigration Medicaid Nebraska Politics

The Ricketts Strategy: Why make the rich prevent death now when you can just bleed the public for it later?

As the corona virus is spreading exponentially through Nebraska, one hot spot popping up after another, the rest of America is wondering why our governor is lifting our light social distancing restrictions instead of strengthening them. The answer is that he does not want his loyal corporate class to feel any pain when he can […]

#fuckPeteRicketts COVID-19 Nebraska Politics

Nebraska’s Director Of Public Health? Another Ricketts Donor.

In August 2019 Governor Pete Ricketts appointed Dr. Gary Anthone Chief Medical Officer and Director Of Public Health for the state of Nebraska. Prior to that, Dr. Anthone was a bariatric surgeon in private practice in Omaha. It should surprise no one to learn that Anthone shows up in public disclosure forms as having donated […]

#fuckPeteRicketts COVID-19 Nebraska Politics

Beware of a Virus and a GOP Parasite at Nebraska Crossing

Nebraska Crossing Outlets made national headlines this week for deciding to reopen for shopping despite the fact that our state is only beginning to see the devastation of the corona virus. As will surprise approximately no one, the man behind Nebraska Crossing is a poster child for GOP policy. The owner, Rodney Yates, has donated […]

Legislature Nebraska Politics Published

So Why Does Governor Needles Want His Favorite Veterinarian on the Board of Health?

Could former senator John Kuehn be the way Ricketts procured fentanyl for the state’s most recent execution?

Civic Engagement Education LGBTQA+ Published

Nebraska’s Community Leaders Need to Stop Dicking Around

Nebraska, we need to figure out whether we want our state to be a welcoming place that treats people from diverse backgrounds equitably, or a place that lives up to its tourist slogan, “Nebraska: Honestly, it’s not for everyone.” If we want to live in a state that caters only to the racial and religious […]

Civic Engagement Published

Jeff Fortenberry’s Abuse of Power: Episode Number We Lost Count

Congressman Jeff Fortenberry held two town halls this week, one in Bellevue and one in Lincoln. We posted a guide to maximizing town hall opportunities by making a sign to keep on your lap in the front row, and one constituent, Brian Reitz, did just that. As you might have imagined, this did not sit […]

Immigration Nebraska Politics

Erasing a Child in Omaha

The United States and Nebraska in particular are experiencing the moral equivalent of a psychotic break. We have lost our moorings. This month, a wave of bills is sweeping across the country, uplifting the human fetus as the object of ultimate moral performance. Republican officials, drunk on possibility, are racing to outperform each other in […]

Civic Engagement Nebraska Politics

Megan Stock is the Hidden Victor of Lincoln’s City Election

Megan Stock’s vision for Lincoln mobilized voters and came within spitting distance of overtaking a candidate funded by Ricketts and corporate interests, and Megan Stock should be appointed to Leirion Gaylor Baird’s empty City Council seat. Yesterday’s city elections in Lincoln were a big win for progressives, resulting in a new Democratic mayor, Leirion Gaylor […]


This Is How Misogyny Happens

On Thursday night, Rasha Khaled of Lincoln was murdered by her husband, who then killed himself. Their five children, ages 14, 13, 10, 5, and 3, were present in the home at the time of the murder. Friends of the murderer decided to hold a candlelight vigil for the man, and bafflingly, the local ABC […]

Nebraska Politics Published

Nebraska Needs to Fix its Academic Freedom Problem.

Nebraska has a terrible record when it comes to academic freedom and freedom of speech, and it’s time we take it seriously. Here is some historical background followed by a practical recommendation. The past two years have been particularly egregious for academic freedom in Nebraska. This week the Nebraska Republican Party insisted that Creighton University, […]
