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Do you remember earlier this year when Seward County Sheriff Michael Vance, Lincoln County Sheriff Jerome Kramer, York County Sheriff’s Capt. Joshua Gillespie and York County Sheriff Paul Vrbka agreed to pay civil penalties of $1,000 each for appearing in uniform in Charles Herbster’s campaign ads? Well, would you look at this.
Liz Davids is a sex-obsessed extremist candidate for the Nebraska State Board of Education who is endorsed by local hate groups Protect Nebraska Children and Nebraskans for Founders Values who says racist shit like this:
We have talked about Ben Houchin before. In 2020 he threw a Black teen to the ground by her braids during the BLM protests in Lincoln (then got promoted). In 2023 he ran over a 9-year-old Black girl in his neighborhood and then allegedly harassed the family to the point that the girl’s mom attempted to file a protection order against him which was quickly withdrawn once the media mentioned it.
We think it speaks volumes that Liz Davids is endorsed by a cop who almost killed a Black child and then allegedly harassed the shit out of her family. Because “Protect Nebraska Children” means protect white children from fake threats.
It is illegal for cops to appear in uniform in political campaign advertisements. Complaints can be filed with the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission. They can be reached by email at nadc@nebraska.gov and by phone at 402-471-2522.