fuck you friday

2020 Hero – Our Patrons

Today we’re giving space to people that do not suck at all, SeeingRedNebraska Patrons. These heros support the actual costs of keeping this “glorified blog” up and running and whiskey for the social media team.

And now, our Patron 2020 Fuck You Friday to ring in 2021:

  • Pete Ricketts is a twatwaffle
  • Jan Beran. One of the few lawyers doing evictions in the early days of the pandemic this spring. Still at it too.
  • Forever and ever a fuck you to the nazi that murdered James Scurlock
  • This will seem counterintuitive because he’s been pointedly non-supportive of the GOP coup attempt, but just the same, fuck Ben Sasse. Because with Sasse, it’s not just what he says, it’s when he says it. He talks a good game with respect to opposing Trump and other GOP excesses precisely when he is politically safe to do so, and not a moment before. When it’s his position on the line, he folds. He can say whatever he pleases about Trump now, but when he had the chance to vote for his removal from office he folded. And yet, he somehow fools a significant portion of the media into not only giving a shit when he decides to cosplay at having a conscience, but insisting that the rest of us to give a shit. Well…I don’t. Plus, he’s the most smackable politician in my adult lifetime. I just don’t fully trust a person that could look at Ben Sasse’s face and not want to smack it within seconds.
  • Also (of course) fuck Bob Enven and Doug Peterson for supporting that ridiculous election lawsuit from Texas. Double fuck Bob Enven for ratfucking the Kara Eastman campaign with a nothingburger campaign finance complaint.
  • Saying “fuck you” to my outgoing Sen. La Grone would feel nice but seems gratuitous. 😉
  • Aimee Melton! The anti-mask ordinance city councilwoman.
  • I have a general fuck you to capitalism
  • So many this year. I really can’t narrow it down to just one or two. I guess I’d say, everyone. Fuck you to everyone. I’ll be in lockdown forever.
