Christian Bullshit Creeping Fascism Education NEGOP

Terri Cunningham Swanson Recall – the latest. Also! Introducing our favorite new guerilla journalists in Nebraska

Say hello to the Nebraska Meadowlark

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The election to recall extremist Plattsmouth school board member Terri Cunningham Swanson is in full swing, with the ballots due back by January 9. We have written a bit about Ms Cunningham Swanson, including the time she doxxed the private citizen who filed the recall petition against her, her role as one of the few extremists in Nebraska trying to dictate what your child can learn or read about, and of course her love for white supremacist swingers Moms for Liberty. Now here come our new favorite guerilla journalists at Nebraska Meadowlark with their deep dive into the recall and into Terri Cunningham Swanson herself. We highly recommend you read all three articles:

  1. The Short Short Version
  2. The Genesis of Terri Cunningham Swanson
  3. Nobody Expects the Literary Inquisition
Terri Cunningham Swanson, Sue Greenwald, and Kirk Penner – amongst their weaponry are such diverse elements as fear, strife, ruthless dumbassery, an almost fanatical devotion to Trump and nice red uniforms

As the regular folks in Plattsmouth who do not approve of white supremacists banning books work toward Terri’s removal from the school board through democratic process, Terri’s support group on Facebook is a grim mixture of threats to drown people with millstones, election fraud conspiracies, and Kanye videos. Just last week Ms Cunningham Swanson was a guest on Scott Voorhees’s show on KFAB where she spent a good amount of time naming and complaining about a few of the people behind the recall effort and laughing about being called a Nazi. The next day, she turned around and complained that KFAB did a “hit piece” on her. Scott Voorhees did ask her on the show if any other school board members have publicly supported her and she said no, so maybe that was the hit piece? Her own son has spoken out about her racism and abuse toward him and his siblings. Terri is supported by a small, twisted group who approve of her anti-LGBTQ and pro-white supremacy ideals (including Senator Robert Clements) and the rest of Nebraska just wants Terri and her fascist agenda gone from the school board. She often complains about people who “don’t have any skin in the game” helping with the recall effort, but we ALL have “skin in the game” when one extremist is trying to ban books. This affects every single one of us whether we live in Plattsmouth or not. If we allow fascism the smallest toehold, even if it is banning just one book, we are leaving an opening for banning queer people, propping up racism, and taking our country backward by decades in the hands of religious extremists (not that 2023 is much of a beacon year for the good old U.S. of A.). We hope the resignation of Brittany Holtmeyer and the removal of Terri Cunningham Swanson will send a strong message to the extremists in Nebraska. Your fuckery will not be abided here.
